Meteor’s report on Business Internet

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Meteor’s report on Business Internet Trends 2016 – 2023

Internet speed and price trends in Canada have undergone significant changes over the past seven years. With the increasing demand for faster internet speeds and the advent of new technologies, internet service providers (ISPs) have been forced to keep up with the changing landscape. As a result, Canadians are now experiencing faster and more reliable internet speeds than ever before.

According to recent reports, the average Canadian internet speed has increased from 30 Mbps in 2016 to over 500 Mbps in 2023. This is a significant improvement, and it can be attributed to the increasing competition among ISPs. As more and more companies enter the market, the competition has driven down prices, making it easier for Canadians to access high-speed internet at affordable rates.

In addition to increased speeds, Canadians are also experiencing a shift in how the internet is priced. Many ISPs are now offering unlimited data plans, which means that users can enjoy high-speed internet without worrying about data caps. This is a significant shift from the traditional pricing models, where customers were charged based on the amount of data they used.

Another factor contributing to the changing internet speed and price trends in Canada is the increasing popularity of fibre optic internet. This technology offers faster and more reliable internet speeds than traditional cable or DSL connections. As a result, many ISPs are now investing in fibre optic infrastructure, which has led to a significant increase in the availability of high-speed internet across the country.

Overall, the internet speed and price trends in Canada over the past seven years have been positive. Canadians now enjoy faster and more reliable internet at affordable rates, thanks to the increasing competition among ISPs and the shift towards unlimited data plans. With the ongoing investment in fibre optic infrastructure, it is expected that internet speeds will continue to improve, making Canada one of the best places in the world to access high-speed internet. Today March 30th, 2023, Internet providers have offers in the order of $65.00 CDN/mth for 300 MB/Unlimited and Gigabit service, including Wi-Fi for under $100.00 CDN per month on a 3-year agreement.
Interestingly we went for a typical 100 MB in 2016 with an average price of $85.00/mth (2016 Dollars) to a Gigabit for almost the same price when you consider Wi-Fi is now included. Looking forward, we foresee typical internet speeds averaging over 100 Gigabit in the next ten years with the advent of 8/16K video, AI streaming. So be cautious of signing long-term contracts.

The Meteor Group has been a primary supplier of Voice and Data services for over 50 years in Canada, with the ability to provide cost-effective end-to-end solutions delivered on time and on budget.
Call us today for detailed information at (905) 595-4444 or